Building Our European Jewish Future: Why Your Vote in the EU Elections Matters

Building Our European Jewish Future: Why Your Vote in the EU Elections Matters

International Report by the European Union of Jewish Students. 

As the European Union (EU) elections loom from June 6th to 9th, 2024, the soul of Europe stands at a crossroad. It’s a juncture where our values of democracy, European integration, and social justice face profound threats from the rising tides of populism and political extremism. As a European, a Jew, and a woman, I cannot help but feel the weight of this moment, the urgency to safeguard our shared future in Europe. 

The EU was founded on principles of freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law. „United in diversity“ became the EU‘s motto in 2000, encapsulating the unity of Europeans in pursuing peace and stability while celebrating the continent‘s diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

These values are not merely rhetoric; they are the cornerstone of our collective identity. Yet, as we approach these elections, we confront the uncomfortable reality that these principles are under siege.

I believe that we must stand united against far-right and far-left populism that are threatening to tear apart the core of our European society, while recognising their inherent differences and the necessity to address them separately. Should these forces triumph on June 9th, what fate awaits the European project? Our European project? Who will stand as the guardian of democracy and further European integration? Who will preserve the vision of Europe of its founding fathers as a beacon of peace, its values, and the well-being of its citizens?

As a Jew, the historical wounds of our continent weigh heavily on my conscience. The promise of „Never Again“ must not be taken lightly, especially since the October 7th massacre in Israel and the reactions to it we saw all over Europe, participating in a spike of anti-Jewish hatred that our generation has never seen before. Antisemitism continues to rear its ugly head, reminding us of the persistent hatred and prejudice that still exist. It is imperative that we confront and combat antisemitism wherever it manifests, not just when it is convenient or politically opportune. We cannot allow history to repeat itself, and that means actively working to eradicate all forms of discrimination and bigotry.

As a woman, I am acutely aware of the importance of gender equality and women‘s rights within our society. While the EU has made significant strides in promoting these, the fight is far from over. Women continue to face barriers and discrimination in various aspects of life, from the workplace to the political sphere. We must ensure that women‘s voices are heard and their rights protected, regardless of the political climate. We must push for policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and empower women to fully participate in all aspects of society. Only then can we truly achieve progress and create a more fair and inclusive Europe for all.

Our youth hold the key to the future, yet their participation in politics remains alarmingly low. We must engage and empower them, not only for the sake of democracy but for the vitality and inclusivity of our society. The upcoming elections provide an opportunity to instill in them a sense of responsibility and agency in shaping their Europe and, consequently, the world they will inherit. We must continue encouraging young Jewish people to raise their voices and participate in the democratic process.

Voting is not merely a right; it is a duty and responsibility. From June 6th to 9th, millions of European citizens will be able to shape the future of democracy in Europe. It is a pivotal moment where we collectively determine the direction of the EU. Every vote counts, and every voice makes a difference.

A thriving democracy requires active participation and collective effort. By choosing not to participate in the electoral process, we jeopardise our capacity to influence our own futures. Even worse, we, ourselves, take part in undermining the fundamental principles of our sacred European democracy. This is why we, young European Jews, have a duty to vote in these European elections to protect Europe, our Europe. Democracy and the rule of law are values that are never guaranteed. We must fight to uphold them. Voting in the European elections is about committing and taking responsibility for our enduring Jewish future in Europe.

We must remember the values that bind us together as Europeans. We must reject the politics of division and fear and instead embrace our values of unity, solidarity, and inclusivity. Our future as Europeans and as Jews depends on it.


President Of The European Union Of Jewish Students (EUJS)

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